Adam Rose Photography
INDIA COLOR, OAXACAN BUG EXPERIMENT, BURANO, PARIS & VENICE, AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND, CALIFORNIA, LA NIGHT, HAWAII, SOUTH EAST ASIA, MEXICO, HEART ART, PHONE FUN...All prints are of archival quality, printed with K3 ultra chrome inks on an ultra premium presentation paper and a matte finish.

Every image has its own personality and is therefore cropped a bit differently. We custom matte each image to fit standard, ready-made frames to make it nice and easy for you to hang.

All prints are professionally custom framed and arrive ready for you to hang. Prints are hand crafted with a 2.25" white wood frame, 2" white matte board all the way around, protected kraft backing and wire hanging mount. We've found the white frame looks best and has a very simple and modern tone allowing the image to be used in many different interior styles. Just select our "matted + framed" option. However, if you would like a different framing option, please email us and we'll be happy to accommodate.

© 2016 Adam Rose Photography
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