Ammoball is committed in providing you the latest energy tool in form of Powerball which has taken the fitness world by storm. It is the perfect synthesis of science, matter and energy, embodying the natural and free spirit of this technologically revolutionary age.

You set this 'engine' in motion using a cord, or with a quick flick of your finger, and then build its speed by subtle rotation of the wrist. Powerball contains no motor or batteries. It is driven by pure muscle power and all of its speed and energy comes from your arm, wrist and hand and, the stronger those wrists and forearms are, the faster you’ll be able to make your Powerball spin. And the faster you spin that inner ‘engine’ the more inertial resistance it generates and the more force it subsequently inflicts upon your fingers, hands, wrists, arms and shoulders as it ‘fights’ back against your efforts, ultimately making your wrists and arms even stronger in the process.

DBS House,
26 Cunningham Road,
Bangalore - 560052

© 2016 Ammoball. All rights reserved.

Exercise & Fitness Equipment

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