
About Us

Your style accompanies you daily. It’s time you dress for your taste and the life you live. ‘Dress to impress’ no longer means settling for the mainstream looks, and given the choice to express your vision or to conform, we believe you deserve to be authentic about your style. You deserve it, and we wouldn’t do it any other way.

We’ve selected sophisticated staples that will flatter your shape, enhance your individuality, and make your outfit work for you. Our inspired collection frees you to customize your belt with confidence, so whether you fall in love with one of our in-house designs, or you are inspired to customize your own, our one-step measurement makes it easy for you to find the perfect belt within minutes.

There is no substitute for the appearance and comfort of pure, quality leather. The Italian tradition of manufacturing luxurious leather continues with our legacy craftsmen near Milan, in Lombardy. Made from 100% premium Italian cowhide, our straps age beautifully over a lifetime because the leather is healthy, durable, and dyed rich Italian tones. Our sharp and chic buckles are selected from designers from France and Italy for modern elegance and flair.

Nothing pulls an outfit together like a Badichi belt, and our customers know we offer top styles at the fairest prices. Why? We believe quality fashion should be accessible.

Founder and innovative entrepreneur Yinon Badichi moved to New York to introduce belt customization as a fun alternative to forgettable accessories. His extensive travels resulted in a love of fine leather and an eclectic collection of artisan buckles, which he chose to share with New York’s fashion-conscious. Known then as Badichi Belts, the maverick belt brand gained rapid popularity for catering to fashion savvy New Yorkers, international fashion consumers, and celebrities. Today, the company showcases chic collections online and in its boutiques, where customers have a sensorial experience with leather, hardware,personal styling, and custom assembly – all in the heart of SoHo.

367 West Broadway
Manhattan, NY 10013

Phone: 212-5332107

Men's belts
Women's belts
Customized belts

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