Bubble Belly
The vibe is young and hip, laid back (being a college town and all), mix in high-end, quality brand names and exquisite detailing from small one-of-a-kind independant labels, top it with responsible/eco-friendly choices and finish off with a sprinkle of edgy...and at the same time, not letting go of some of the classic, timeless styles of yester-year. Make sense? We're definitely eclectic and fun and we love sparkly things too. We love combining, mixing, and layering to create some of the most unique finds there is to offer all under one little (A-framed) roof. We believe that one can Live Luxuriously(TM) and responsibly and that eco-conscious does not have to be "hippy" or boring or sacrifice quality. It can be hip, stylish, and good for you, baby, and the wonderful world in which we live. We only have one life so go ahead and enjoy the finer things! Live Luxuriously. Live Responsibly...but Why Look Like Everyone Else? Shop Bubble Belly.

Bubble Belly
340 G Street
Davis, CA 95616

Phone: 530.231.5538

Email: customerrelations@shopbubblebelly.com

Copyright © 2016 Bubble Belly moms | babies | kids.

Baby Clothing
Infant Clothing
Children's Clothing
Baby Accessories
Children's Accessories


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