Demme Learning

About Us

Demme Learning’s time-honored and research-based principles

Our philosophy of learning is built on time-honored and research-based foundational principles of education. These principles address the nature of the learner, the nature of learning, and the nature of instructional design.

Each individual learner has a unique learning style and developmental pace. We believe that curriculum should be organized into levels so that students can be placed and proceed according to individual ability. Instruction is conducted individually or in small groups to achieve the maximum amount of growth for each student.

Adults play essential roles in a child’s ongoing development and learning. While professional teachers may guide students’ instructional programs, we recognize that engaged parents are crucial to children’s success. The parent’s role may be as the primary instructor or as a supplemental instructor in their child’s education.

Students learn best when they understand the concepts underlying processes and procedures. At every level and in every subject, we support curricula that emphasize the development of conceptual understanding so that students are able to think fluently about a subject while accurately and effectively applying learned concepts.

Students should master fundamental skills and concepts before acquiring new ones. Our family of products provides extensive opportunities for practice and review, and require that each student demonstrate mastery and fluency before moving on to a new concept.

Educators and researchers have long recognized the value of using manipulatives in instruction. Our manipulatives are integral components of our instruction and are designed to help students develop concrete understandings of concepts and build conceptual connections. Our goal is to provide a balanced approach by encouraging students to explore concepts under direct adult guidance, with opportunities for instructor modeling and explicit instruction. In this way, students use both inductive and deductive reasoning to increase their understanding and experience success.

Demme Learning
PO Box 8888
Lancaster, PA 17604


© 2017 Demme Learning

Math-U-See Math curriculum

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