Eartheart Naturals Inc.
Eartheart Naturals is committed to providing high quality organic products for everyone from the hobby gardener, the urban farmer, or the commercial grower.

Welcome to Eartheart Naturals Inc., where we are passionate about creating environmentally friendly products that help your garden, your orchard, or your farm grow like no other.

For too long, people have relied upon poisonous, unsafe, and unstable products to grow their food.

We know there is a better way. Our business is based upon a simple premise – that nature gave us everything we need when it comes to the care, feeding, and protection of our plants.

Join us in our mission to make the world a more beautiful and healthier place. Show you have the earth in your heart with Eartheart.

Eartheart Naturals Inc.
P.O. Box 767
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472

Phone: 218-568-4445
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