Active Formulations Inc.
Active 10 provides immediate relief from many common conditions such as arthritis and other causes of muscle and joint pain, Tennis Elbow Grease Pain Relief and Healing Roll-on, Tennis Elbow Grease Natural Gut String, TEG Elbow Brace with Insertable Ice/Heat Pack, The Luxury Creme-An All-in-One Anti Wrinkle & Tightening Cream.

We provide our customers (professional and college athletes, medical professionals, weekend warriors, moms, dads, kids, and grandmas) with top quality products and one-on-one attention.

It has gained us the trust of many doctors, chiropractors and licensed massage therapists who recommend our products for patients. We have many testimonials from customers expressing their gratitude for our well put together products.

470 N. Civic Drive
Suite #104
Walnut Creek, CA 94596


© 2016, Active Formulations Inc.

Pain Relieving Rubs, Ointments & Wraps
Tennis Elbow Pain Relief
Pain Relief and Healing Roll-on
Elbow Brace with Ice/Heat Pack

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