Heritage Tile

About Heritage Tile

Heritage Tile offers a portfolio of historic and traditional tile collections from the USA and abroad. These tile collections are produced to the highest standards of quality and craftsmanship, each created using traditional manufacturing methods.

We work directly with tilemakers to hand-pick and deliver collections that are exclusive to Heritage Tile. Each collection is extensively researched and manufactured to authentic specifications, to provide our customers with the opportunity to bring history and culture into their space.

We offer cohesive design solutions that meet our clients' passion for authenticity, distinctiveness, and aesthetics. Whether you are an architect, interior designer, contractor, reseller, or homeowner, our experienced team of tile professionals, located in Oak Park, IL, are here to support your requirements.

Heritage Tile Showroom
144 N Oak Park Ave
Oak Park IL 60301

Toll Free: (888) 387 - 3280
Email: info@heritagetile.com


© HeritageTile.com, 2016

Subway ceramics
Subway mosiacs
Japanese tile
Batchelder tile
Cork tile

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