A master tobacconist, vitolier and cigar maker for twenty years, Marcus Daniel Morine has been behind the creation of more than two dozen proprietary blends of handmade cigars that are manufactured in four countries and sold worldwide. These countries include the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Honduras and Little Havana in Miami, Florida. He is an icon and national cigar celebrity who has dedicated his life's work to follow the trail blazed by the great generation of cigar makers and tobacconists.
He spends most of his time developing and putting to market the most exquisite gourmet tobaccos available and travelling between Calle Ocho, in Little Havana, Miami and Olde Naples, Florida to Havana, Cuba and beyond.
609 Eighth Street South
Olde Naples, Florida 34102-6701
Phone: 239.435.1277
Fax: 305.768.2694
Copyright © 2016 Marcus Daniel, Inc. All Rights Reserved.