DESIGNED TO FIT...give your kids healthy, happy feet for a lifetime. We've engineered PLAE shoes to follow the natural contour of a child's foot, leaving the cartilage and fledgling bone room to grow its own way. the interchangeable tabs adjust to accommodate thinner, wider or thicker feet.

DESIGNED TO put their shoes to the test. PLAE is ready for them. With our dynamic traction, we make sure little feet can feel the ground beneath them and get a grip on it. The rest is designed to elite athlete standards: super shock absorption, durable toe guards, and wicking, washable anti-microbial inserts.

PLAE, Inc.
220 Montgomery Street
Suite 860
San Francisco, California 94104

Phone: 800 931-7523 customer service
415 795-3750 other inquiries


© 2016 PLAE, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Children's Shoes
Kids Shoes
Children's Sneakers
Kids Sneakers

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